みんなさん、こんいちわ。わたしわ ゆみです。どうぞよろしく。

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hootsuite Plush Owls: Behind the Scenes

So, I've finally finished my Hootsuite order!

It feels so good to have finally finished, although it has taken a lot longer than it should have (but that was because of all the other orders that I also had to work on at the exact same time... my fingers are definitely crying right now~). Anyways, I wanted to quickly share the photos that I've taken during this whole process. I've posted a few of them before, but I guess I'll repost those ones as well, for the purpose of this blog entry. This post will be a quick one, as I still have a bunch of other orders that I need to work on (which I'm trying to get out before Christmas), so for the most part this post will be pic heavy. My desk feels a whole lot emptier without those owls around. I kind of miss them already~!

Here's hoping for their safe flight to Vancouver! Can't wait to see photos of them once they're in Hootsuite's HQ hehe~

+--- In The Making ---+

+--- Finished Owls ---+

+--- Extra Photos ---+

*red hat borrowed from one of my other owls~

Getting 20 owls to fit in the box was quite challenging. I thought it would be impossible...hahaha, I don't think the little owls were looking forward to this part either~

^ The Medium Box (it was a bit small, but the Large box CanadaPost offers would be too large)

^ All 20 owls waiting to go in

^ The first 10 have gone inside

^ Now there's 12 inside

^ Make that 14

^ The last 6 have made their way inside. No more space! They're all so squished >_<

At this point I'm wondering whether or not I'll be able to close this box properly

Horray! They fit! And yes, I drew doodles on the box for fun~

Side note:
Sorry about the poor editing job on the photos... I rushed through them (while eating dinner) since there was a lot. I might go back to re-edit them later if time permits, but I still have many other orders to catch up on, including two more wholesale orders. Must.. get.. everything out.. before christmas!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Back on task.

Hey everyone, so I'm finally caught up in my school work, submitted my assignment, and currently catching up on orders. This week will be super busy as I will be trying to ship out two wholesale orders this week as well as some of your individual Etsy orders. Hopefully I can stay on task. It's going to be tough, but I'll do my best.

Order status is usually updated on Etsy first before I update it on here. If you're still waiting for your order, your continued patience is greatly appreciated. I do ship out as much as I can each week, so every week a couple of orders do get sent out.

I haven't had time to transfer photos from my camera yet, but once I get a chance to, I'll have more photos posted.

In the meantime, please check us out on Plushi Palooza by Kid Independent. One of my owls is featured in their giveaway this month (along with many other goodies by other Etsy Artists). You can vote for your favourite for your chance to win something awesome (like my little owl). Check out the site and definitely enter to win~! This little owl is looking forward to his new home (and if you win, you get the exact one that was photographed ^^).

*Side note:
Pardon me while I freak out a little as there are SO many orders that I want to try to get out before christmas! Thank you all for your support!! Compared to last year, this year has been way busier with orders~! (But unlike last year when I didn't have school and was able to dedicate more time to orders, this year I've got school and orders... it's a little overwhelming but I'll continue to do my best! Thank you all again!! ^________^)

Monday, November 15, 2010


This is my study schedule for this week (Nov 15 - 22).
Please do not rush me this week with orders as I have a lot of work that I need to catch up on (in terms of school as well as etsy) since I had neglected my studies completely during the last week due to purely working on orders.

My mornings and part of the afternoon will be dedicated to catching up on readings for school. The rest of the afternoon into the evening will be dedicated to working on orders. Thank you for your continued patience. Again please do not rush me this week with orders. I know they are important, and it's important for me to get them out to you, but I really need to catch up on these readings and work on my assignment for class. I will post updates as they become available (concerning the status of some of your orders). As always, they will be mailed out asap once they've been completed, but my top priority this week is school.

Additional photos of things I've been making will be posted at a later date (for now you can check the previous entry for some photos that I had posted up recently)~

Monday: WK6 Chapter 7
Tuesday: WK6 Chapter 8
Wednesday: WK 7 Chapter 9
Thursday: WK 8 Chapter 10 (if time permits)
Friday: Research for assignment 2
Saturday: Research for assignment 2 / write up assignment
Sunday: Assignment 2 DUE!

Again mornings will be dedicated to pure studying. Late afternoon-evening will be dedicated to working on orders.
Thank you~!

ps. I do ship out multiple packages out each week~

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quick Photos.

Here are some photographs of various orders that I have been working on. More photos will come soon~

Thank you for your patience~